Because Blackboard Learn often shares data with other systems on campus, such as the registrar's office, it may be necessary to ensure that your information is the same everywhere. In this case, your institution will have a different way to change your information.


Blackboard är Örebro universitets lärplattform. I Blackboard finns ett antal verktyg som stöd i undervisning och lärande.

Det är där man finner bland annat material till seminarier och föreläsningar, anslagstavla och tentamensresultat. Welcome to Blackboard's mobile solution that helps students stay informed, up-to-date and connected. With the Blackboard app, you can: • Quickly view updates to your courses and content • Take assignments and tests • View grades for courses, assignments and tests We love feedback! If you have any questions or comments use the in-app feedback to help improve the application. Välkommen till Ladok för studenter Welcome to Ladok for students. Ladok - start. Inloggning Login Utvidgad juridisk introduktionskurs (UJIK) á 15 högskolepoäng är en introduktionskurs till juridiken, som är något mer utvidgad än kursen JIK. Learn how Lund University's Faculty of Law leverages Blackboard solutions to offer online learning and asynchronous courses to remote students.

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Blackboard Help. Visit the Staff and Student Help tabs (top right of the screen after logging in to Blackboard) for guides on getting started with Blackboard and integrated technologies such as Turnitin and Collaborate Ultra.

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Lubas (utbudsmodulen) Lubas (kursplanemodulen) 221 00 LUND Telefon: 046-222 00 00 (växel) Om webbplatsen Juristprogrammet.

Juridiks profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportal Beskrivning Den juridiska avdelningen erbjuder juridisk rådgivning och juridiskt stöd till universitetets verksamheter inom fr.a. följande områden: allmän förvaltningsrätt, högskolerätt, avtalsrätt och immaterialrätt.

Webmail Contact us Press Office Giving to Lund GDPR information About this website Faculty of Law Lund University Box 207, 221 00 LUND Phone: +46 46 222 10 00 (exchange) Student preview mode is active only in the courses where you enable it. You're still an instructor in the rest of Blackboard Learn. However, the same preview user account is used when you enter student preview mode in more than one course. A place to gather on scenic Highway 41 in Otter Tail County, MN. Creative food and tasty cocktails. Partners Terri Trickle and Chef Sara Watson welcome you to this historic schoolhouse. Reservations recommended by calling 218-758-2619.

Postal address: Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Sweden Invoice address: Box 188, 221 00 Lund. contact details. International Student Accommodation You may be seeing this page because you used the Back button while browsing a secure web site or application. Alternatively, you may have mistakenly bookmarked the web login form instead of the actual web site you wanted to bookmark or used a link created by somebody else who made the same mistake.