Pubblica Data ; Eurostat. Statistiche sul PIL procapite a livello regionale. Anno 2018: 11/05/20 : Eurostat. Regional Yearbook 2019: 18/11/19 : Commissione Europea. Regional Competitiveness Index 2019: 15/10/19 : Eurostat. L'integrazione dei migranti: tasso di occupazione regionale: 10/07/19 : Commissione Europea. Qualità delle acque di


Sverige placerar sig på topplistan. Förutom nyckeltal om handeln finns också data för demografi såsom folkmängd. Källa: Eurostat. Handel; Detaljhandel 

Eurostat's Statistics Explained provides an introduction to official EU statistics. There are nine primary categories: General and regional statistics; Economy and finance; Population and social conditions Eurostat is responsible for the EU aggregations. Regional data EAA accounts are compiled at regional level (NUTS2), but only in values in current prices. The labour input data and Unit values are not broken down to regional level. The EU Open Data Portal provides, via a metadata catalogue, Eurostat. 8042 datasets found. Sort by: Pig population - annual data Pig population - annual data Deaths by week, sex, 20-year age group and NUTS 3 region Deaths by week, sex, 2021-03-24 Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

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Tel: +352430136789. THE EU OPEN DATA PORTAL CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION. TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO FILL THIS SURVEY AND HELP US TO IMPROVE OUR SERVICES. Europa To illustrate the diversity of the regional data found in the Eurostat regional yearbook, this News Release presents a small selection of indicators from different statistical fields.

Eurostat regional yearbook 2014. Tourism Source: eurostat (online data code: tour_occ_nin2) present regional tourism statistics analysed according to.

Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Themes  Eurostat publicerar även tryckta rapporter som är tillgängliga i fulltext på Eurostats hemsida: Eurostat regional yearbook. Ett urval av den viktigaste och mest  Eurostats publications.

Eurostat's objective was to have an area from which a significant share of the residents commute into the city, a concept known as the "functional urban region." To ensure a good data availability, Eurostat adjusts the LUZ boundaries to administrative boundaries that approximate the functional urban region.

Luxembourg. Varför Europe regional data? Det är ofta Europe eXplorer supports "country", NUTS2 and NUTS3 (see figure below) or read more about Eurostat Data at:. av J Bjork · 2020 · Citerat av 1 — Methods Regional data on mortality week 14-23 in 2020 compared with the same period 2015-2019 were retrieved from Eurostat and national  towards achieving economic, social and territorial cohesion is assessed by means of a report based, among others, on Eurostat regional demographic data. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Themes  Eurostat publicerar även tryckta rapporter som är tillgängliga i fulltext på Eurostats hemsida: Eurostat regional yearbook. Ett urval av den viktigaste och mest  Eurostats publications.

Eurostat regional data

There are nine primary categories: R Tools for Eurostat Open Data: regional data This rOpenGov R package provides tools to access Eurostat database, which you can also browse on-line for the data sets and documentation. For contact information and source code, see the package website. See eurostat vignette for installation and basic use. The European Regional Database provides disaggregated data for European sub-state regions, covering multiple indicators of growth, convergence, competitiveness and demography. Coverage is from 1980 to 2017. Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data by other typologies [Eurostat/urt_10r_3pgdp] Employment by NACE Rev. 2 activity and other typologies [Eurostat/urt_10r_3emp] Gross value added at basic prices by other typologies [Eurostat/urt_10r_3gva] Regional data examples for the eurostat R package; by Daniel Antal; Last updated about 1 year ago Hide Comments (–) Share Hide Toolbars Detailed data on different breakdowns of population, live births, deaths, immigration and emigration flows at the national as well as regional level are provided by the countries by the end of each year n for the year n-1 and are available in the Eurostat database in March (year n+1), together with demographic indicators calculated by Eurostat More details are available in the Eurostat metadata under Venture capital investments.
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All publications · Statistics Explained. About us. Who we  Due to maintenance reasons, the "Data Browser" tool will be unavailable on Thursday, 15 April between 20:00 - 21:00 CEST.

Quick start. Download and unzip somewhere.; Run: java -jar RegionSimplify.jar -i pathTo/myRegions.gpkg where pathTo/myRegions.gpkg is the path to the input regions. You can alternativelly edit and execute … In eurostat: Tools for Eurostat Open Data. Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) Examples.
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15 Feb 2021 Data extracted in March 2020. Planned article update: September 2021. Highlights. Tweet. Across EU regions, the highest enterprise birth rates 

Under våren drabbades ett mindre antal regioner, som norra Italien. riktigt hårt. Andra vågen  A Panel Data Analysis of the Conditional Effectiveness of European Eurostat [ 2006 ] , ” Purchasing Power Parities ” , http : / / epp . eurostat .

Was reported by the European statistics office, Eurostat. out in partnership with DG Regional Policy, Eurostat, the national statistics offices and the 

×. Sign In Database - Regions   Countries that is part of the NUTS nomenclature or Eurostat's statistical regions for EFTA and candidate countries, have a regional variable that is possible to  creation of a common EU notion of regions. While maintaining its focus on the most recent data available, the 2013 edition of the Eurostat regional yearbook  17 Feb 2021 Countries in Europe define regions differently, and therefore, making data homogeneous is a challenging task. For consistency, Eurostat, the  Eurostat regional yearbook 2014.

Regional level: NUTS 3 / NUTS 2 / NUTS 0 (version 2013). Source: ESPON SME, 2017. Origin of data: Eurostat Business demography, Statistics Belgium  The regional data for England indicates that: 1. To calculate the According to statistics from Eurostat, construction prices in Sweden are the highest in the EU. Regionrapport 2020 - Hållbar utveckling i Västra Götaland (2020) Data och analys medverkar i och/eller ansvarar för olika regionala och  West Sweden and STRING Regional Economic Benchmark 2019. Data och analys medverkar i och/eller ansvarar för olika regionala och  av A Wood · 2019 · Citerat av 4 — Nordic region (data from 2010).77 Yet, agricultural to interpreting FLW data in the Nordic region.