For questions, comments or for on-site trainings at your business, please contact us at or call us at 800-810-1195. Intertek Academy - North America is …


Intertek tilbyder kurser inden for forskellige ledelsessystemer og intern audit. Derudover har vi mulighed for at tilbyde firmatilpasset kurser. Har du spørgsmål eller ønsker du et tilbud om et særskilt program til din virksomhed? Kontakt os på tlf. 75 72 66 11. Se nedenstående links for yderligere informationer. Intertek Academy Sverige

Assured. Intertek is a leading Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide. For questions, comments or for on-site trainings at your business, please contact us at or call us at 800-810-1195. Intertek Academy - North America is using Eventbrite to organize 7 upcoming events. Intertek Academy lo ayuda a comprender, implementar y mejorar su negocio. Los programas de formación de Intertek son impartidos por expertos y técnicos en la materia y abordan una amplia gama de sectores, adaptándose a los requerimientos del cliente. Intertek Academy, South Jakarta.

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Intertek Academy Vietnam. 119 likes · 1 talking about this. ntertek training courses pack in many value-added features, and all our courses include: Expert instruction from experienced facilitators, Intertek es el líder de la industria, con un equipo de más de 44,000 personas en 1,000 instalaciones en más de 100 países. Ya sea su negocio local o global, nos aseguramos de que sus productos alcancen los estándares de calidad, medio ambiente, seguridad, y responsabilidad social, para prácticamente cualquier mercado a nivel global. INTERMENU ACADEMY / ИНТЕРМЕНЮ АКАДЕМИЯ, Sofia, Bulgaria. 574 likes.

Desislava Rangelova followed. Desislava Rangelova Retweeted. Intertek- Academy‏ @AuditorTraining 1 Feb 2011. More. Copy link to Tweet; Embed Tweet.

Locations & Contacts. Bulgaria +359(2)9500640 .

Intertek is the industry leader with employees in 1,000 locations in over 100 countries. Whether your business is local or global, we can help to ensure that your products meet quality, health, environmental, safety, and social accountability standards for virtually any market around the world.

BMH, Bulk Material Handling school. By invitation only, please contact your local Dodge field sales  This 5 day ISO 20000 Lead Auditor certification aims to build on the knowledge ascertained in the ISO 20000 Internal Auditor training course. the United  Intertek Intl Ltd. Academy Place, 1-9 Brook St, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5NQ, Bulgaria. Guatemala. Nicaragua. Tokelau (New Zealand). Canada.

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Intertek Group plc is a multinational assurance, Desislava Koleva Bulgaria area. Intertek Years December 2013 - May 2014 . Project Planning Education Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology 2001 — 2004 Manor Excel Academy 1997 — 2000 High School Diploma

Intertek Academy si rivolge ad aziende e professionisti con un portfolio completo di proposte formative adatte alle diverse esigenze e realtà a cavallo delle diverse filiere. I nostri corsi, erogati da docenti esperti, costantemente aggiornati e dall’esperienza pluriennale, seguono programmi progettati con metodologie e tempistiche specifiche. Intertek Academy Kalendarium. Vårt kalendarium är i ständig utveckling. Kalendariet fylls på hela tiden i takt med att nya utbildningar och datum fastställs. De flesta av våra utbildningar i vårt utbud kan också ges som företagsinterna. Intertek Academy se dirige a empresas y profesionales con un portafolio completo de propuestas formativas adaptadas a las diversas exigencias y realidades de diferentes sectores.

This two-day workshop is conducted at 3M's fire test center, which is qualified under UL and Intertek guidelines for UL's Client Test Data Program and Intertek's  

Al momento tutti i nostri corsi verranno erogati in modalità online. Intertek Academy Director Intertek Administration of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria 2012 - 2013 1 year. Sofia, Bulgaria Intertek es un proveedor de servicios líder en el aseguramiento de la calidad total para industrias de todo el mundo que cuenta con una red de más de 44.000 empleados en más de 1.000 laboratorios y oficinas ubicadas en más de 100 países.

Intertek Academy Bulgaria. Intertek Academy Bulgaria. Utbildningsadministration. Aeroporto Sandro Pertini - Caselle.